Spring support

Unitils offers features for unit testing when working with Spring. One of the basic principles of Spring is that your objects are designed in such way that they are easily testable without Spring or any other container. There are times however, when it can be useful to work with object structures that are wired by the Spring container.

The features Unitils offers for Spring are:

  • Management of ApplicationContext configuration
  • Injection of Spring beans in unit tests
  • Make use of a Hibernate SessionFactory configured in Spring
  • Reference the Unitils DataSource in Spring configuration


If you are using maven, you can add following dependency to your project.


If you are not using maven you can download the unitils-with-dependencies.zip. The required jar, unitils-spring.jar, can be found in the unitils-spring folder, the required dependencies, in the unitils-spring/lib folder.

ApplicationContext configuration

Loading an application context can easily be achieved by annotating a class, method or field with a @SpringApplicationContext annotation, and specifying the spring config files as attribute. The resulting application context is injected into fields or methods annotated with @SpringApplicationContext. For example:

public class UserServiceTest extends UnitilsJUnit4 {

    @SpringApplicationContext({"spring-config.xml", "spring-test-config.xml"})
    private ApplicationContext applicationContext;


This will create a new ApplicationContext loading the config files spring-config.xml and spring-test-config.xml and will inject it into the annotated field. Setter injection is also supported by annotating the setter method instead of the field.

Superclasses are also scanned for the presence of @SpringApplicationContext annotations. If found, these configuration files are loaded before the configuration files specified in subclasses. This makes it possible to override configuration settings or to add extra configuration specific for the test. For example:

public class BaseServiceTest extends UnitilsJUnit4 {

public class UserServiceTest extends BaseServiceTest {

    private ApplicationContext applicationContext;

As in the previous example, this will create a new ApplicationContext, first loading the spring-beans.xml followed by the extra-spring-beans.xml configuration files. The application context is then injected into the annotated field.

Note that in this example, a new application context was created. This was needed because an extra configuration file was specified for the test. Unitils will try to reuse the application context whenever possible. In the following example, no extra files need to be loaded, so the same instance will be reused:

public class BaseServiceTest extends UnitilsJUnit4 {

public class UserServiceTest extends BaseServiceTest {

    private ApplicationContext applicationContext;

public class UserGroupServiceTest extends BaseServiceTest {

    private ApplicationContext applicationContext;

By specifying the configuration on a common superclass BaseServiceTest, the ApplicationContext will only be created once and then reused for the UserServiceTest and UserGroupServiceTest. Since loading an application context can be a heavy operation, reusing the context will greatly improve the performance of your tests.

Programmatic configuration

Programmatic configuration is also possible. You can do this by annotating a method that takes no or a List<String> as parameter and returns an instance of ConfigurableApplicationContext. If a List<String> parameter is specified, all locations of the @SpringApplicationContext annotations that would otherwise be used to create a new instance will be passed to the method.

The result of this method should be an instance of an application context for which the refresh() method was not yet invoked. This important, since it allows Unitils to perform extra configuration such as adding some BeanPostProcessors, which is no longer possible once refresh is invoked. In case of a ClassPathXmlApplicationContext this can easily be achieved by passing false as value for the refresh parameter of the constructor:

public ConfigurableApplicationContext createApplicationContext(List<String> locations) {
    return new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(Arrays.asList(locations), false);

public ConfigurableApplicationContext createApplicationContext() {
    return new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(Arrays.asList("spring-beans.xml","extra-spring-beans.xml"), false);

Injection of Spring beans

Once you've configured an ApplicationContext, Spring beans are injected into fields / setters annotated with @SpringBean, @SpringBeanByType or @SpringBeanByName. Following example shows 3 ways to get a UserService bean instance from the application context:

private UserService userService;

private UserService userService;

private UserService userService;

With @SpringBean, you can get a Spring bean from the application context by explicitly specifying the name of the bean. @SpringBeanByName, has the same effect, but now the name of the field is used to identify the bean.

When using @SpringBeanByType, the application context is queried for a bean having a type assignable to the field. In this case, this is a bean of type UserService or one of its sub-types. If no such bean exists or if there is more than one possible candidate, an exception is thrown.

The same annotations can be used on setter methods. For example:

public void setUserService(UserService userService) {
    this.userService = userService;

Connecting to the test database

In the Database testing section we explained you how to obtain and install a datasource for your test. The Testing with Hibernate section describes how to setup hibernate for your test. In Spring all this wiring is typically done in a Spring config file. Suppose, for example, that your application contains following application-config.xml file:

<bean id="dataSource" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource">
    <property name="driverClassName" value="org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver"/>
    <property name="url" value="jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/sample"/>
    <property name="username" value="sa"/>
    <property name="password" value=""/>

<bean id="sessionFactory" class="org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.annotation.AnnotationSessionFactoryBean">
    <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource"/>
    <property name="annotatedClasses">
    <property name="hibernateProperties">

The first bean defines the data source that connects to the application database. The second bean configures a hibernate SessionFactory that connects with this DataSource.

In our tests we need a connection to the test database. Typically, a test-specific spring configuration file is written with for example following contents:

<bean id="dataSource" class="org.unitils.database.UnitilsDataSourceFactoryBean" />

With this configuration, Spring will make use of the DataSource configured in Unitils. Refer to the configuration chapter for more information on how to configure a test DataSource.

Unitils automatically detects the SessionFactory configured in Spring: all integration features Unitils offers for Hibernate also work when using Spring. The hibernate mapping test will therefore also work as follows:

@SpringApplicationContext({"application-config.xml", "test-ds-config.xml"})
public class HibernateMappingTest extends UnitilsJUnit4 {

    public void testMappingToDatabase() {